L-Launcher Support Thread

Can add bubble and arc icon list in your launcher?

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Yes. Im working on it now

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Left or right?


seems like the perfect question to use a poll for

  • Left
  • Right

0 voters

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Is there an option for both??:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Wow ! They look so cool.:+1::+1:

Have you bypassed the problem faced when using square mode ?

Same problem is faced by universal launcher.

Its in framework.jar. There is a list of applications that are not affected by this mode. Either edit the framework and add the necessary applications there, or depending on how much the Chinese tried to make everything normal. Some watches have a special flag in the manifest “isRoundApk” which allows you to exclude this application from square mode without editing the framework.


For all my watches i edit framework, and square mode dont affect my launcher and other apps like weather and fitness tracker.


The notification panel,shows notifications in the same way as the original launcher?

Are you considering to reverse engineer wiiwatch app and make it better too and implement in your launcher,atleast for notifications and a music controller widget?

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Or even have the heart rate change also in the clockskins

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I dont reverse engineer wiiwatch app. It writen from scratch. Any ideas how to show notifications more efficiently? I do not have. Therefore, the panel looks like in wiiwatch. There were other options (which are now), but the choice nevertheless fell on the option as the Chinese. Music control is standard. There, the intents are sent to the standard music application of the commands for switching tracks.

There are small part of Launcher ClockEngine https://github.com/LinerSRT/ClockEngine

Heart rate is part of the launcher. Its not standalone app.

Hmm I thought you had reverse engineered the launcher app of our watch and customized it,I dont know if it is possible,but I think that with jadx can get the complete code of the apps in our watch,so if can implement that message receiving code in your launcher and set filter that will separate the message received and display it properly in notification panel then the notification can be improved i think.

1)the assistant app in our watch as well the wiiwatch app on playstores code can be extracted to get basic idea of how the communication is working,because it seems that the message is sent properly but there is just a need to put a overall to put that message properly on the screen,which i guess you can do with the notifications panel in your launcher(so no need of overlay)

By music control widget i meant to control the music played on my phone using the watch through Bluetooth,not the music played on the watch itself

My launhcer now dont support notification from smartphone via bluetooth. Sorry, it will be maded later. I dont need decompile chinesee trash for code review. I can write it myself. Now i am learning ble, for this function


@LineR Is it possible for Launcher to intercept long press on lower/return button? I was thinking about setting user actions to it like: google voice search , volume slider or backlight slider, settings or…
Just a thought.

Only return button. Cause android security system dont provide to override power button functionality

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Yes that is what I talk about. Would be nice option. Now there is no function on long press return button.

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i believe that we share ideas in youtube comments,we dont need that crack app companion Wiiwatch,dont even look,Watchdroid is the best and you can contact the developer on this forums, send a PM to him lumaticsoft share ideas,even the notification in Watchdroid are customisable nice feature.
I do remember that i said,that the Launcher should have more panels or home screen for favorite app widgets sweep to the left,sweep to the right notification and use the layout for default android sweep from the top to bottom the notification bar scroll.
sweep to up the commons drawers settings or the same stock launcher and on the bottom the apps.
Even instead to sweep you have the option to use the accelerometer so we can move the arm or wrist to do the sweep and no touch the screen for example if you get a notification or call move your wrist to up reject the call or delete the notification and if you move your wrist to down answer the calk or open the notification.
i will said if you use your watch with Bluetooth connection with your phone the connection should be two way in order to get the info that we want, like if my wifi is off and i want the weather temperature right away my watch should open the app that i have on my phone to get the info a send it to my watch can be some delay and in form of notification.
Good luck with you project and thanks